Looking for garden ideas? As you think about what to plant in your garden next year (or maybe this year if you are lucky enough to live where it is warm enough to have a winter garden), keep in mind that it is relatively easy to grow green beans. I thought today I would give you some step-by-step tips on growing green beans for your garden.
How to Grow Green Beans in Your Garden
To start with, an important part of growing green beans in your garden is making sure your soil is well-prepared. Ideally, the autumn before you plant your garden you should lay compost in the area where you will plant. It will lead to nutrient-rich soil to give your garden the best odds at being successful. In place of compost, if you have backyard chickens you can also just clean out your coop, let it dry out, and then spread it (yep, poop and all) out in your garden! It makes for amazingly rich soil! If you didn’t plan ahead and do that, you can also use an organic fertilizer, like G & B Organics Tomato, Vegetable, & Herb Fertilizer.
Plant Green Bean Starter Plants
You do not need to go buy green bean starter plants! You can plant your own starter plants and save money by not buying them from the nursery! Does planting your own starter plants seem like a daunting task to you? It shouldn’t! Don’t spend fifty dollars or more on starter plants for your garden when you can just grow them yourself quite easily (and it’s cheap!).
Transplanting Green Beans in the Garden
As you grow grean bean starter plants, eventually they will get to the point that they can no longer stay in the container you planted them in, so then it is time to transplant them into your garden. When you are ready to transplant green beans, you will need to select a good area for planting. Somewhere that gets plenty of sun. When planting, a lot of people plant their garden in rows. We actually have several garden squares because we find it easier to get at our plants. Do whatever works for you.
Once you have chosen your garden space, you will need to loosen the soil. That can mean anything from breaking up the soil with a shovel to tilling, depending on how dry and hardened your soil is. Once you have loosened the soil, smooth it out a bit (but keep it loose, don’t pack it tightly).
To make a hole for the plant, I just wiggle the board around to make a hole. Once you put the plant in the hole, surround it with dirt and gently pat the dirt into place. You can read my post about transplanting starter plants for more a detailed description of the process. The picture below is actually a pea plant, but the same concept applies when transplanting green beans.
As the green bean plants grow, they will need to be secured gently with string to a garden trellis or something similar that will give them support. They then can continue to grow vertically, so that the plant will not be weighed down.
They often will naturally grow along and cling to the trellis or string. Look at these beauties!
(My husband bought that owl. Isn’t it creepy?)
I love to eat fresh green beans straight out of the garden. Just rinse them off, snap them apart, and eat! Yum! Fresh green beans are so much better than the store-bought cans. Cans of green beans don’t even deserve to be called green beans. They don’t taste the same at all! And the beautiful thing is if you can’t eat the fresh green beans fast enough, you can always freeze them! We use a vacuum sealer to do that. Works like a charm! You will love it if you grow your own green beans!
See you next time!
P.S. Before you plant your starter green beans plants in the garden, be sure to check out my post showing you how to reduce time spent weeding the garden!