So from my previous posts like surviving-the-zombie-apocolypse-or-whatever, you may have gathered that I am a bit of a The Walking Dead freak. I admit it. In my crazy life the only show that I make the time to watch on purpose when it airs is The Walking Dead. As much as I enjoy other shows like The Big Bang Theory, I watch them on-demand when I have time. For The Walking Dead, I make time. I have to know what is happening with Rick, Carol, Daryl, Maggie, Glen, and all of the rest of them as soon as possible. My daughter who is away at college (out of state) has been told not to call me during an episode cuz I won’t talk. Yes, that is how bad my addiction is. I am considering a twelve step program 🙂 Anyway, in case you aren’t familiar with the series, the fall season usually has eight or nine episodes, then there is a two month break over the holidays, then another eight or nine episodes for the second half of the season. Right now we are in that two month break. The break is TORTURE! I only survive because of re-runs online! That and the tiny little trailer for the second half of the season. No New Episodes Til February 2015 🙁 Wahhhhhhh! *crying like a baby*
Now I am a busy person, but I usually like something in the background when I am cleaning house or working on the computer. Whenever I do those things, I usually watch The Walking Dead re-runs while I work (yes, it is playing in the background on my computer right now!). My husband watches the show, but even he doesn’t understand how I can stand to watch the same episodes over and over. I just can’t explain it to him.
Anyhoo, it occurs to me that perhaps there are other things out there that might be worth watching. With all of the technology available now, I am thinking perhaps I should expand my horizons a bit and check them out a little more during this little The Walking Dead siesta. We have Netflix and Comcast Cable on-demand at our house, so I have plenty of choices…I just don’t make use of them. So that leads me to my question…where should I start? I am thinking I will start a weekly post on the wonderful (and not-so-wonderful) stuff that is available to me at my fingertips on Netflix. I need ideas, people! Give me some recommendations of things I should check out, pretty please???
And don’t forget…
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Shannon Gosney
Sunday 28th of December 2014
Oh my gosh girl! We totally have to wait to watch the new season of Walking Dead too! I keep myself busy watching Breaking Bad, Orange is the New Black, Grey's Anatomy (I know old school). Enjoy watching on Netflix!
Monday 29th of December 2014
I have just started watching Breaking Bad. Saw the first episode and it was really good. An original story line too, which is always refreshing!
Sunday 28th of December 2014
I love the walking dead. Right now I am also hooked on Scorpion. I don't watch much other tv.
Monday 29th of December 2014
I am happy to see so many people are Walking Dead fans---I haven't heard of Scorpion, though...I will have to look that one up!
Penny Struebig
Sunday 28th of December 2014
This is so funny -- I've never watched Walking Dead, but I have friends who are just like you. They can't get enough of that show!! I don't really have one show I'm that attached to. I did enjoy reading others comments are the shows they liked.
Sunday 28th of December 2014
I am surprised that your friends haven't tried to convert you into being a fan!
Marielle Altenor
Saturday 27th of December 2014
This is by far one of my favorite shows ever! We wait for the complete season to be over and then binge in two days. Like, we don't eat, sleep, pee!! LOL that serious!
Sunday 28th of December 2014
I watch the marathons when they do them, but I do sleep, eat, and pee! lol I don't have the patience to wait til the end of the season though!!! Plus...don't you end up with spoilers???
Giveaways 4 Mom
Saturday 27th of December 2014
I have never gotten into the Walking Dead. However, I am now addicted to Fringe on Netflix and I love Once Upon a Time, Scandal, Revenge, and House.
Sunday 28th of December 2014
I used to watch's a great show. Very funny. That being said...I am an RN and if a real doctor behaved the way House did he would be sooooo fired! lol