You know how I love to share garden ideas, right? Well, we have gotten started prepping the garden. We have had such a weird spring in Utah. It was so warm-almost hot-in the spring and then close to Mother’s Day, when we wanted to start planting our garden; it got cold! After a couple of weeks, it warmed up and then came rainstorm after rainstorm. But…the weather finally got warmer and dry enough that we could get out there and get busy. Now I did help some with planting the planter boxes, but I have to give all props to my husband when it comes to gardening. He is King!! He knows what to plant, how to plant it, and how often to water it. Last year our garden was amazing and this year it is already looking great! Here are a couple of the boxes (there are a few more).
This raspberry bush, that we planted last year, has roughly doubled in size from last fall. Last year, we only got a handful of raspberries at a time. They were delicious, but there were just not enough to do much with, besides eat them plain or throw them on some ice cream. I am hoping this year I can get enough to make raspberry jam! Love me some jam!
Last year, we grew a bunch of spaghetti squash. We had so much that it lasted us until March! Spaghetti squash can be really difficult to slice, but did you know that you can cook it in a slow-cooker and slice it after? Easy peasy! Such a great trick that I learned from Pinterest! We are growing spaghetti squash again this year, along with our own pumpkins! The hubby wants to grow our own pumpkins for Halloween…but we will still be going to the pumpkin patch for at least one pumpkin…we wouldn’t want to miss out on that fun!!!
These peas plants have more than doubled in size from when I took this picture a couple of weeks ago. There are already some peas that are almost ready to harvest!
The thing that I am most excited about in regards to this year’s garden is the garden- watering tool that my husband created. I will be posting a video tutorial in the next few days so that my husband can explain exactly how he did it. In the meantime, here’s a little teaser showing what he was able to do rather inexpensively with some PVC…
These next two photos show the first part of the garden watering “network”. You will see the finished product soon. Just know that when you live in the desert like we do, being able to just turn on the hose and have your whole garden watered is heaven!
Here’s a close-up to show exactly how it works…
Update: Check out my custom-built garden irrigation system in detail now!
Details on this awesome garden-watering device coming soon…stay tuned!
What does YOUR garden grow?